One of the most rewarding aspects about being a waterborne finish manufacturer is seeing the end product–not the gallons of EMTECH water-based finish or stain at the lab, but seeing the incredible work of our customers, and hearing their feedback. Whether it’s kitchen cabinetry, commercial millwork, custom furniture or a one-of-a-kind guitar, we’re always inspired by and truly in awe of the fine craftsmanship of our customers. (You can check out our Gallery, Facebook and Instagram feeds for some examples–and don’t forget to add your own projects–we’d love to see what you’re working on!)
We thought we’d share some feedback from some pros who rely on Target Coatings EMTECH water-based finish to deliver quality results.

Water-Based Varnish on Custom Furniture
The first one is from Drew who posted at Lumberjocks. Here’s what he had to say about EM8000cv Waterborne Pre-Catalyzed Conversion Varnish:
Did I mention durability yet! Oh yes, it’s durable! I had some epoxy leach out of some knots on an ash table. I was able to soak those spots enough with denatured alcohol that I could scrub and pick all the bad epoxy out WITHOUT effecting the finish! I was blown away! I have a walnut table in my office that has only 2 coats of 8000cv on it that I have abused as a test piece for a good 6 months, and it looks like the week after I shot it!
I highly recommend this product (as well as Target Coatings in general) for anyone that sprays on their topcoats as it is the best product I have used!
Making the Switch to Water-based Lacquer
Michael Hamilton and Dee Roberts are the design masters behind Hamilton/Roberts Designs–and they specialize in creating custom wood boxes and cabinetry. Here’s some of what they had to say about switching from “old school nitrocellulose lacquer to water-borne lacquer”:
A very close match to our old finish. Not as forgiving though. EM6000 rubs out about the same although it’s not as soft and easy. It can be buffed if needed. Dries quickly and of course cleans up with water. And no more toxic vapors drifting around the neighborhood! No odor either.

Spraying Water-Based Finish (EM6000)
A lifelong love of music and guitars inspires Steve Sollod in his custom guitar making–you can check out his work at Swift Creek Guitars. Luthiers–and even folks who’ve never touched a router jig–will appreciate the birdseye view Steve shares in his images as he works on crafting a new guitar. Here’s what he had to say about spray finishing with EM6000 Production Lacquer:
My finish is Target Coatings EM 6000. I have been very pleased with this finish and after a few guitars I have become accustom to it’s characteristics. It has excellent properties that are conducive to application and the end result is a pleasing nitro-like appearance. I use a Fuji Q3 HVLP (High Volume Low Pressure) spray system. The spray gun is retrofitted to accept a smaller finish reservoir which is more conducive to guitar finishing.
We love hearing reviews about Target Coatings water-based finish–and highlighting your work! Let us know what you’re working on–share some pictures, and your feedback!
Is it possible to spray your water based lacquer over paint
Yes, our WB lacquers can be applied over paint. It is important to ensure that you prep the painted surface properly before proceeding.
I have a earlex 5500. Would you recommend your emtech tinted lacquers with this sprayer? Thanks.
Glen – Thank you for your inquiry. You’ll be OK with the Earlex 5500 as long as you have the right tip set size installed in the gun based on the finish you are spraying at that time. A good rule of thumb (for Emtech finishes) is to use a 1.3 to 1.6mm tip set for our clear coats and a 1.8 to 2.0mm tip set for our primer and pigmented lacquers. –JW —
Using a fuji minioteb4 please tell me which tip to use with the emtech6500wb and what how to set up my gun to spray this. Also how much to thin. I don’t want runs but I also have no humidity as I heat with a wood stove please help
Anuta – Use a 2.0mm cap set on the FujiSpray gravity gun and a 1.8mm set on a siphon gun.