For years now, Target Coatings EMTECH finishes have been a go-to for guitar makers who are looking for a guitar finish that not only looks great, but delivers high-performance durability and enhances sound. We’re proud to have some incredible luthiers as our clients, and we wanted to share some of their work with you–and some tips on how they get the best guitar finish!
David A. Bernroth, DAB Guitarworks

David’s approach to guitar-making (at left) isn’t cookie-cutter, and he doesn’t do custom requests. Here’s his philosophy: “It takes incredible patience, faith and energy and hours to make professional boutique instruments, a lot more than you probably think…I scrutinize everything from wood to hardware to finishes, all have to be excellent or there’s really no point. The adventure is what I like, understanding the mechanics of guitars and the different tonal pallets you can conjure up. I like doing variations on what’s out there, things you wouldn’t normally see…”
To get the best guitar finish for his creations, David says, “I use EM1000 Universal Sanding Sealer, EM6000 WB Production Lacquer–and I wet sand and hand buff after I have enough coats.”

Steve Davis, Custom builder, Albuquerque NM
Steve says he doesn’t advertise much, but enjoys making guitars for friends (and friends of friends–mostly pros). For the bass shown at right, Steve shares his finishing process with us–he uses EM6000 to achieve the best guitar finish.

We asked Mac how he gets the best ukulele finish and about his finishing process–here’s what he had to say…
My finishing processes are: wash coat (shellac) – pore filler (clear water base) – sanding sealer (shellac) – topcoat (EM6000WB).
We appreciate it when customers share images of their work, and let us know which EMTECH finish they’re using, and how they go about their finishing processes.

Hi my name is Kieran I live in Belfast N.Ireland . I would be interested in purchasing your EM 1000 sanding sealer and EM 6000 spray lacquer. Is there a company in Europe or Britain who supply it.
Kieran – Thank you for your inquiry.
We do not have a dealer network in Britain or the EU at this time. However, you can order Emtech EM1000 Sealer and EM6000 Production Lacquer from Luthier Mercantile International (LMII)
Please feel free to contact Target Coatings directly if yo have any tech support requirements for the Emtech products.