EM6600: A Luxurious Looking Black Lacquer Paint
100% Water Based Technology in a Lacquer Paint System
EM6600 Raven Black Lacquer is a topcoat rated water based lacquer paint that is formulated to be a superior replacement for latex, oil, milk, and hybrid finishes for use on any project where a pigmented lacquer finish is required. Our lacquer paint is fast drying and combined with superior leveling characteristics and excellent hiding capabilities. Our paint system will get the project done fast with an exceptional looking finish. EM6600 is 100% water based in a low VOC format and, unlike other solvent-based or oil-based lacquer paints, is non-flammable, cleans up with soap and water, and makes storage and disposal safe and simple.
Super Smooth Look and Feel
EM6600 Raven Black Lacquer can be used in conjunction with our HSF5000 Primer/Surfacer/GrainFiller (Choose the Primer Grey Tint Option), to create a high quality, super smooth, lacquer paint finish on MDF, birch, poplar, and other substrates that require pore-filling to control grain print-through.
Instructions for Use
View Instructions for EM6500 & 6600 Pigmented Lacquer TDS
EM6600 Raven Black Lacquer has excellent adhesion characteristics that allow it to bond to a wide variety of properly prepared substrates in addition to wood. Our lacquer paint can be applied to non-ferrous metals, plastics, PVC, stone, masonry, fiberglass, and carbon fiber.
Interior Coating with Exterior Flexibility
EM6600 Raven Black Lacquer is an interior rated lacquer paint but can be topcoated with our EM9300 Polycarbonate Urethane to create a durable, water and UV resistant coating over your lacquer painted project. We recommend a minimum of 4 coats at 3-4 mils wet thickness of EM9300 for the best protection of your color coat.

It should be noted that the durability and colorfastness of these coatings using this technique is more suited for indirect and moderate UV light and moisture exposure.
Tips for Best Results when using Painters Grade Caulk
EM6600 Pigmented Lacquer is not compatible with, and should not be used as a coating over, 100% silicone caulks. We recommend the use of acrylic latex sealants. Fast dry latex caulks marketed as “siliconized” are also acceptable. We have tested and can recommend DAP Alex Fast Dry Siliconized Acrylic Latex Caulk. Other caulk brands of a similar type should be suitable and compatible with EM6500.

It is very important that the caulk being used is allowed to thoroughly dry and cure before application of any primer and topcoats. When any caulking is not thoroughly dry, a crackle can appear in the primer or finish. Please observe all dry and recoat times of caulk, HSF5000 Primer and EM6600 Raven Black Lacquer. Because there are many variations in formulas for products on the market today, we recommend as a standard finishing practice that a sample is made and tested for product compatibility.
Tips for Perfect Leveling Under Less Than Perfect Circumstances
EM6600 Raven Black Lacquer can be reduced with our SA5 Retarder to slow down the flash time if the lacquer paint is drying too quickly in a high temperature/low humidity environment. SA5 Retarder is also an excellent additive for when hand application techniques with brush and roller are being used. A reduction of 5-10% by liquid volume is recommended as a starting point.
Using EM6600 Raven Black Lacquer over an Oil Based Polyurethane or a previously applied solvent based finish
EM6600 Raven Black Lacquer can be applied over oil based polyurethane and most previously applied solvent based coatings. Proper surface preparation for application of our water based pigmented lacquer paint over previously applied oil based or solvent based finishes and topcoats is as follows:
- Newly applied solvent based finishes will need to be thoroughly dry and cured before application of EM6600. Dry times will vary by type of coating and solvent base. Please consult the manufacturer of the solvent based coating for dry times.
- Old solvent based finishes will need to be thoroughly cleaned of any contaminants.
- Scuff sand both new and old finishes with fine, 220G – 320G, sandpaper.
- Wipe down both new and old finishes with a mixture of 1:1 water and denatured alcohol. Allow the water/alcohol mixture to fully flash off and dry from the surface.
- Application of our EM6600 Raven Black Lacquer can proceed as normal.

Because there are many variations in formulas for products on the market today, we recommend as a standard finishing practice that a sample is made and tested for product compatibility, proper adhesion and bond of topcoat to base substrate.
How to Enhance Topcoat Durability
EM6600 Raven Black Lacquer can be fortified with our CL100 CrossLinker to create a post-catalyzed type painted lacquer. The addition of 3% by liquid volume of CL100 will improve the physical durability of our Pigmented Lacquer by tightening the molecular structure of the cured resin. CL100 improves the resistance of the cured film against high pH cleaners, alcohols and slow evaporating household chemicals. View the CL100 CrossLinker TDS to see directions for use and more information.
EM6600 Raven Black Lacquer can also be topcoated or “candy-coated” with our EM7000HBL or EM9300 Polycarbonate Urethane to increase the durability and protection of the painted wood finish. This can be especially desirable for Mid-Tone and Dark Colors where resin counts are lower due to higher volumes of pigments per volume.
Instructions for Use and SDS
View Instructions for EM6500 & 6600 Pigmented Lacquer TDS
View EM6600 Pigmented Lacquer SDS
Watch a video on how to add CL100 to any of our finishes
For Owners or Managers of Independent Paint and Finish Retail Businesses
If you’re interested in carrying our unique, easy to use, and affordable pigmented lacquers, please Contact us for more information about our EM6600 water-based raven black lacquer and how we can work together to give your customers some of the best water-based, sustainable, safe for the user and environment finishes on the market.